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Apr. 16

Adam Rice – PurePrana Vinyasa Flow

16. Apr. 2020 @ 18:30 - 19:30

In this Intermediate Vinyasa class, we will get the blood pumping, flowing through variations of the Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) and Warrior series (Virabhadrasana), practice various standing poses such as Triangle (Trikonasana) and Tree (Vrksasana), and round it all off with an inversion and basic arm balance, followed by Sivasana. If you’re ready for a bit of a challenge but still want to have a lot of fun, come flow with me!

“Yoga is not just about creating strength and flexibility in the body, it’s about reconnecting and rediscovering the power and focus inside of us. And most of us are far more powerful than we know.“ – Adam

In these challenging times, keeping our body, minds and spirits healthy and strong is extremely important. This PurePrana class is designed to help you stay in the flow, and stay grounded, while keeping your body fit and your breath open.
Like many yoga teachers out there (and so many other freelancers), this unique health crisis has also created a unique financial situation for many of us. That’s why I created 4 levels for payment, including one that is donation-based for those really in need, or for those who want to give a little more. No matter which you choose, you still have the same access to the class.


Thank you so much for joining this new Online Tribe, and I very much look forward to seeing you soon!
Love always, Adam

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Based in Berlin, Germany, but originally from Florida, USA, Adam Rice has been teaching Vinyasa flow yoga since 1999, and is the creator of PurePrana Vinyasa Flow. A former Junior Olympic athlete, entrepreneur and adventurer, Adam discovered the power that yoga has to restore his balance and reconnect him with his inner strength.

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Adam Rice Yoga
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