Lichtatmung Vitality and Trust (75 min | EN)

With the booking you get 7 days access to this English-language Lichtatmung.

Root Chakra Breathwork Set

The Lichtatmung “Vitality and Trust” is an active Lichtatmung, as an one-hour breathwork set, to connect with vitality and basic trust and all other topics related to the root chakra.

This English-language breathwork set is available to you flexibly for 7 days after purchase and can be breathed as often as you like during this time.

All topics related to our vitality and our basic trust are located in the so-called root chakra, or coccyx chakra, which is connected to our central energy system, also known as the “kundalini system”.
This area connects us to the physical plane. It is responsible for our confidence in physical existence, our steadfastness, our vitality and strengthens the needs for reproduction and survival. From this area, the relationships to work, hobbies, matter as well as to more self-realization and assertiveness are controlled.

The root chakra is located in the buttocks area and is energetically open forward and downward. It is directly connected to the adrenal cortex and the gonads (ovaries and testicles). This area controls the formation and function of the sex organs and treats menstrual disorders, miscarriages, premature puberty, abdominal diseases and venereal diseases, among other things.
The hormone cortisone is formed via the adrenal cortex, which controls the sodium and potassium metabolism as well as the protein metabolism and the water-carbohydrate balance. Cortisone is an antagonist of insulin and has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. High blood pressure, high blood sugar levels or obesity can be treated therapeutically here.

Über den Dozenten / die Dozentin

Klaus Ulbricht

Seit über 25 Jahren berate und begleite ich Menschen, Teams und Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung von Bewusstsein und bei der Entfaltung persönlicher und professioneller Kompetenz, in besonderen Situationen und Prozessen, bei tiefgreifenden Entscheidungen und Veränderungen sowie in gestalterischen Entwicklungsprojekten.

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