🌊What is Connective Breathwork?
Through conscious, deep and full breathing we enter a self-induced trance state. With this expansion in our body-mind, subtle and deeper layers of our being are able to surface as well as hidden and unknown potentials life holds for us.
🌬️ Why 4D?
We welcome the 4 dimensions in which the breath journey works in & which it alters: body, mind, spirit, e-motion.
🎃 Theme:
Samhain means union. Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “sow-win”) originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. It is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year.” Day is turning to night as we move into the dark side of the wheel of the year. This is where we leave the outer world behind. This is where the energy turns inward. Samhain celebrates that death.
👩❤️👨Your guides:
Nina and Paul not only share a deep friendship, but a long love & experience in self-inquiry tools, psycho-somatic approaches & artistic practices. Their continious background & study the fields of psychology, healing arts & transformative spaces create a unique field necessarly for deep understanding of inner processes as well as a safe space for challenging experiences.
🗣️ Language:
The session will be held in english, but important informations may be adapted to non-english speakers. Die Reise wird auf Englisch geführt, wichtige Infos werden jedoch angepasst auf Nicht-Englischsprechende.
🕝 Schedule (approximately):
19:45 – 20:00 Arrival (please be on time!)
20:00 – 20:30 Introduction & Check-In Circle
20:45 – 22:00 Breath – Journey with special music set
22:00- 22:30 Check-Out Circle & Snacks
💼 Your prepartion:
Don’t eat two hours prior to the journey. You want to be as light in your stomach as possible. Get into comfy, nonrestrective clothing. Bring water.
Please don’t register for our sessions if you have one of the following situations or conditions: pregnancy, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, acute inflammations and infections, acute severe psychiatric disorders, acute substance use, postoperative state (please consult your surgeon when postoperative activity like sports or intensified breathing are recommended)
❕ Channels for ticket swap, updates & upcoming journeys:
📅 Telegram Group: https://t.me/breath4djourneys
📞Paul: +4917660995923
📱 IG: 4dbreath
Breathe you soon!
Nina & Paul